10 Ways Digital Badges Add Real Value to Business

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Can digital badges really reduce attrition? Yes. And lots more. Many people focus on the value of digital badges to students and employees. But what about the “consumer,” typically the employer? In this webcast, Digital Badge Academy’s David Leaser and Jim Daniels have an insightful conversation on TEN WAYS where digital badges have proven to provide real business value. It’s a compelling discussion that is sure to make you think differently about what your Digital Badge Program is in service of.


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👉 Go deeper! Learn how to build a high-impact digital badge program with our master class! https://bit.ly/3N5vJPc

👉 Free QuickGuide! (Value $600) Your Digital Badge Program Quick Guide: Build a wildly successful program (and avoid the pitfalls) https://bit.ly/42jaSft

👉 Free Infographic! Use our proven five-step approach for quickly developing and launching a successful digital badging program. https://bit.ly/43AFzhb

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